IN this month’s column I’d like to talk about student safety. As students settle in to a new term at college or university it’s worth taking a moment to think about crime prevention.

Students can put themselves at unnecessary risk and can be vulnerable to crime. West Mercia Police’s Stay Safe campaign aims to provide simple steps that students can take to ensure crime doesn’t affect them.

Our Stay Safe posters and leaflets remind students to ‘stop showing off’ by keeping their valuables out of sight and to ‘just shut up’ by securing windows and doors to their house or digs.

Students can keep themselves safe and their valuables secure by following a few simple steps.

Outsmart thieves by keeping windows and doors shut and locked. Up to 50 per cent of all burglaries are committed by thieves who enter a house through an unlocked window or door.

Keep items such as mobile phones, iPods and digital cameras secure out of sight and if you don’t need them, don’t carry them round with you.

Don’t drink too much when you go out, be aware of drink spiking and always walk away from any trouble. Look after each other and always stay together when out and about at night or stopping to get money from a cash machine.

Don’t walk home alone, always walk in groups. Stick to the main roads and try to avoid shortcuts and unlit areas. Try and use a cab and remember that you are only insured if you phone and book a taxi or if the taxi is a licensed hackney carriage.

And finally, keep your laptop well hidden and secure both in the house and when carrying it around, and don't forget to property mark your valuables with your postcode and house number.

Student life is one of the best experiences in life and with a little bit of thought it can be a safe one too.