I was very sad and disappointed to see that yet another shop has closed in Kidderminster. According to the notice on the window, the meat, fruit and veg business had been there for many years but has been forced to close due to decreased custom following the council’s decision to close a lot of the town off to renew the block paving and move the town centre bus stops.

It begs the question why spend all this money on paving?

Kidderminster is a sad, dead town with very few shops. I applaud the shops that are sticking it out. Surely the council realises that posh paving is not going to get people to visit the town. It needs life, it needs shops that are open and facilities and services that we all use.

And what on earth is happening with the paving??? It looked finished, and then a whole section was dug up again and re-done, and then another section was dug up again and redone and then another, and so on. In my opinion it is an absolute fiasco.

The council really needs to get a grip! I would love to support this local town but Kidderminster town centre has very little to encourage visitors and shoppers.

P Colebourne Kidderminster