The letter ‘Fireworks anger’ in the December 8 edition complains about the effect the fireworks finale to the Broadwaters Christmas fayre had on wildlife. It asks why was the display necessary. The complainant needs to examine her priorities. Wildlife is resilient and mobile. Animals not in hibernation can scurry or fly away. I doubt the lady who complained would find many supporters among the reported thousand or more human attendees at the event.

Without a spectacular finale it is doubtful that the Christmas fayre would receive sufficient support to continue. It has been published that the fireworks are unlikely to be affordable in the future putting the whole fayre in jeopardy. Perhaps the lady who complained would like to make a donation (perhaps about £5,000) to compensate the local churches, Scouts and other charities for their loss of income, and perhaps another £2,000 to put on some form of free spectacular event to compensate local youngsters for the loss of the fireworks. Or perhaps she could suggest a suitably spectacular but quieter and cheaper finale for the fayre?

Martin Barber
