THE five-strong Liberal Group on Wyre Forest District Council and the two-member Independent Group are to sit as a joint Liberal and Independent Group on the council.

Both Liberal councillor Fran Oborski and Independent Group councillor Helen Dyke have emphasised that the two Independent Group councillors have not joined the Liberal Party, remaining as Independents and are not members of any political party.

In a joint statement they said: "By forming this group we believe we will be in a stronger position to challenge the Conservative administration and ensure that the views of the communities we represent will be heard as the council sets out its plans for the future direction of public services in the district.

“This is a working relationship designed to improve our service to the people we represent.

"In many ways this is similar to councillor Fran Oborski's position as the sole Liberal on Worcestershire County council, where she sits with the Liberal Democrats but has no political affiliation with them."