The 1st Kidderminster Boys' Brigade meet at Milton Hall Baptist Church in Lorne Street. There are four sections inwhich Boys can join depneding on their age Anchor, Juniors, Company and Seniors.

There is a wide range of activities that take place on a Monday night such as games, computers, sports, craft and projects. We have 5 camps already arranged in the Wyre Forest, Wales and Leceister (visiting the space centre) and these either take place indoors or outdoors, weekends and over a week. We have a new minibus that has been fundraised over 2012 through various contributions from the Kidderminster Carnival and the Lions. A grant has been recieved from the Gannet Foundation so we can buy new camping equipment. This year in 2013 the Seniors who are aged 15 years upwards will be visiting twin town of Husum in Germany, which should take place in October.

So if your son or sons need something to do on a Monday night and at other times of the year then give the Boys' Brigade a go. To join either phone 01562 825649 or just turn up. Our website is