The 1st District hike took place on Saturday 12 June 2010 and comprised of three teams 4th Kidderminster (Wolverley), 8th Kidderminster (St.Johns) and a combined team from 10th Kidderminster (Cookley) and the 11th Kidderminster Broadwaters. The route was a 10 mile hike between Kinver to Rhydd Covert Campsite and had 2 incident bases for the teams to negotiate. Throughout the day we were graced with ideal weather and great support from leaders and Explorers. The day started at around 9am and was concluded by 5.30 without anyone going totally astray- however all teams at some point managed to add their own detours. The overall Winners were 10th Kidderminster (Cookley) and the 11th Kidderminster (Broadwaters).

Ian Pain the route organiser said "Based on the feed back received from the scouts and their leaders, this event will be going ahead next year, hopefully with a few additional teams".