Members were asked to vote upon the National Resolution relating to the decline in our high streets.

Christine Rostron presented the case very clearly and members voted unanimously that measures should be taken to revitalise town centres.

Members also voted in agreement with the changes proposed to the WI constitution which will incorporate relevant company law and the use of electronic communication.

The AGM followed, with a report from the treasurer, and the secretary giving a brief resume of the activities.

President Doreen Chatwin thanked her dedicated committee and the members for their loyal support.

Two members of the committee – Pat Taylor and Ann Lindop – are retiring this year. They were both thanked for their contribution.

Two new members join the existing committee: Christine Rostron and Judy Tromans. Ruth Palmer organised the election of the president and Doreen Chatwin was re-elected.

Ten members had entered the Annie Harrison Plate Competition. This year the task was to produce an apple pie – members’ own favourite recipe.

Judge Barbara Harris was pleased with the entries and gave one or two general tips. The winner was by chance her namesake – Barbara Harris.

The Denman bursary for £350 was drawn and the lucky winner this year was Kath Lahive. To complete the evening Jan Cook had devised another clever quiz using computer- generated clues entitled ‘Catch Phrase’. By the end, it seemed everyone was a winner.

Members can now look forward to strawberry tea on June 27 at Jan Cook’s home.