The club had their last speaker for the gardening year on October 24, when Chris Edwards entertained us with a very interesting talk on “Garden Birds”. This talk also included advice on how to make our gardens into “homes” for wildlife where they can eat and drink safely.

As he stated home is your safe haven, even for wild life. He introduced us to the RSPB who run a homes for wildlife activity, which can be found on www.rspb, hfw. Very interesting; I am sure most of us went home to organise our gardens with bird boxes, compost bins, and deadwood stacks etc.

There will be no meeting in November as our Harvest Supper takes place at this time, members only I am afraid, nor is there a meeting in December.

The season starts up again Friday January 23, when we will be holding our AGM and we welcome into our committee a new chairman and committee members.

All are welcome to our meetings, anyone interested in either joining or just visiting the club can get further details by visiting our website on clentgardeningclub.wordpress.

com/ or by contacting the chairman Pat Orme on 01384 394451.