HABBERLEY WI: President Greta Mitchell welcomed members, county advisor Suzanne Owen and speaker Heather Wastie. Suzanne explained that unless more members volunteered for the committee, it was unlikely that our WI would continue. She went on to explain what would happen in the event of closure. Members were saddened to hear the news. Cherry Greaves gave a report of the Annual Council Meeting held in Malvern and members were shown the certificate for 50 years which we received. There was also a report of the last Leys Group meeting. It had been an enjoyable evening but there was disappointment about the breakup of the Group. Members were encouraged to design a logo for the Federation Centenary year.

As a change to the programme, Heather Wastie entertained us with poems and songs which she accompanied on her accordion. Weaving Yarns told the stories of the workers in the carpet factories for which Kidderminster was famous. Several of our members had worked in the carpet industry where often whole families were employed.

The Christmas meeting will be held on December 14 at 1.45pm at the Scout Hut Truro Drive when we will have a Christmas Party and music by Andrew Crabtree. Contact the secretary if you have not signed the list.