WYRE FOREST FRIENDSHIP CENTRE: Members were reminded that the New Years Lunch is on January 21 not the 14 as shown in the programme. Those going on the holiday to Falmouth will have the opportunity to pay the balance due in instalments.

The entertainment for our party was provided by Richard Westcott who gave us an insight into life as a panto dame. He demonstrated the art of make up, much to the amusement of some of our lady members who found his methods somewhat unorthodox. He then displayed his collection of amazing costumes. This was followed by a demonstration of just how quickly he could change from one outfit into another. Aided by our champion skittles player, Megan, he completed the change, whig, dress, earrings, shoes and hat in 55 seconds. Members then enjoyed a wonderful lunch provided by Maggie Hannaby.

Next month there will not be a formal meeting as we will be having our New Years lunch in Kidderminster on that day.