Members learned more about life in a medieval castle at the latest meeting.

Dressed as a mediaeval peasant, the speaker explained how castles started as basic motte and bailey structures, before developing to the stone buildings we are so familiar with today.

Based on the feudal system, the lower classes were expected to work for the Lord of the Manor and fight for him if needed. The strict Sumptuary Laws dictated what each class could wear, eat, and the type of dwelling they could live in.

Vegetables formed the main diet of the peasant . Meat washed down with French wine was the usual fare for the nobility eaten off pewter plates. However, here the peasants won out for a change. Their diet, eaten from wooden plates, was both healthy and safe, The food eaten by the nobility was unhealthy, while the lead contained in the pewter plates was slowly poisoning them.

Congratulations to Bryan who made the highest score at last month’s ten pin bowling morning. He recorded an impressive 117 points.

The trip to the Isle Of Man will take place on March 14-18, 2014.

‘Dandy’ has been booked to entertain the group at the social evening to take place on April 4, 2014.

Tony read a card received from Cyndy thanking members for their kind words and donations to Cyndy's chosen charities. The donations raised £800 to be split between St Richards Hospice, Kemp Hospice and The Millbank Suite.

At the meeting on Thursday, November 21, David Grayland will give a talk entitled ’Three Men on a Dyke’. Meetings are held at the Lickhill Community Centre, Lickhill Road, Stourport starting at 10am.