
  • Franche Community Church

    On Sunday, Morning Worship is at 10.30am with speaker, Graham Francis. On Tuesday, Cafe Franche is at 10-12noon. Join us in a relaxing atmosphere for a coffee and cake. Prayer Gathering will be at 6.30pm.

  • Enjoy a sweet indulgence at Hobsons Brewery event

    HOBSONS Brewery has teamed up with I Love Puddings to organise an event for those who enjoy a sweet-toothed indulgence. With more than 30 years experience, Jill Bunn will present six deserts and mini cookery demonstrations at the event on Thursday

  • Fire on railway embankment

    FIREFIGHTERS from Kidderminster were called to a blaze today that had broken out on a railway embankment. The incident happened at around 12.10pm this afternoon on the land on Northwood Lane in Bewdley. Around 50m by 4m of undergrowth was involved

  • St George's Church

    On Tuesday, May 26 in St George’s churchyard there will be a treasure trail and BBQ between 12-2pm. Families and accompanied children welcome. Free entry. Hot dogs 50p each. Drinks and homemade cakes will be available in the church. For details call

  • Polling stations

    Congratulations to those at Wyre Forest Council who managed to make a complete shambles out of encouraging people to use their vote by reducing the number of polling stations and forcing me, along with many others, to try to vote at a skeleton-crewed

  • Cornerstone Family Church

    The church meets opposite Stourport High School in Minster Road. Bible teaching and Sunday School is every Sunday from 10.30am.Bible Series takes place from 7pm every Sunday, and prayer meetings from Tuesday from 7.30pm and Fridays after 7am. House

  • Take charge of your life with course at Kidderminster library

    RELATE Worcestershire, in partnership with Kidderminster Library, is delivering its next ‘Taking Charge of Your Life’ for those feeling stressed or in need of a confidence boost. The course will start on Thursday, June 11, from 9am to 1.15pm and

  • Brown pleased with season ticket sales

    HARRIERS chairman Rod Brown says he's been pleasantly surprised by the number of early season tickets sold and has urged fans not to miss out. Over 250 tickets have been sold but with the deadline Friday, June 5, there is still time for supporters

  • Callum’s championship belt triple

    WOLVERLEY’S Eclipse Martial Arts School bagged a big haul of titles at the Kwon British Championships, which were held at North Solihull Sports Centre. The club, which trains in Memorial Hall, took six fighters and all except one came away with