
  • Police touring Kidderminster North to listen to concerns

    POLICE officers will be visiting areas of Kidderminster North next weekend to discuss any concerns residents might have. Kidderminster North Safer Neighbourhood Team will be spending an hour at three locations, alongside local councillors, to speak

  • PCC welcomes domestic abuse law change

    VICTIMS and survivors of domestic abuse will be better protected through the criminal justice system in a change of legislation being welcomed by West Mercia's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). The draft bill going before MPs aims to ensure

  • Worcestershire councillor accused of theft by his brother

    THE deputy leader of Worcestershire County Council has been taken to the small claims court by his brother for allegedly stealing and selling a precious book. Councillor Adrian Hardman’s brother, Tim, has revealed details about a long-running feud

  • Man cut free from car after Lye crash

    A MAN had to be cut free from a car following a two-vehicle crash in Lye this morning Monday January 21. An ambulance and senior paramedic were called by police to the junction between Pedmore Road and Stourbridge Road just after 4am following a

  • Cold weather help on hand for rough sleepers

    THIS week is expected to see a drop in temperatures with freezing condition which is bad news for rough sleepers. According to the housing charity Shelter, the West Midlands has seen a rise of 2,400 to take the total number of homeless people in

  • West Midland Safari Park students are top of the class

    ANIMAL course students at West Midland Safari Park’s have started the year with some excellent exam results which exceed the national average. The Park’s Education team currently run three accredited courses, from levels one to three, in their