AS the day suggests - National Unfriend Day - you should really unfriend someone on Facebook today.

But sometimes it's hard to decide who to cut from that ever growing list of people you just want to keep an eye on in the cyber world.

Not to worry - here's a list of nine people you should cut loose:


1. Your parents, grandparents, or anyone with parents in their names

Kidderminster Shuttle:

Let's face it - they comment on EVERYTHING you post, you have to explain yourself all the time, and generally have to apologise for half of the stuff you post. 


2. People who think they are the only people in the world to have a baby

Kidderminster Shuttle:

No, I don't have children, but if I did, all the important people would see him or her in person enough to not need constant updates on social media. We all know babies grow and blow bubbles and throw up and poo everywhere and that the miracle of birth is painful. Save your pictures for your own memories and don't share them with ever Tom, Dick or Harry you met once after getting drunk at Gatecrasher that one Friday night three years ago.


3. People who rant about absolute rubbish that doesn't concern anyone but themselves

Kidderminster Shuttle:

We know you may be having a bad time, but 500 words on how you hate everyone forever burned into the internet may not be the best way to deal with it. Take a day and chill out.


4. Your work colleagues

Kidderminster Shuttle:

If you want to really avoid the above, maybe don't post statuses like this, however it might be safer to just avoid adding your work colleagues if you want to keep your Facebook as your personal space. If you have no choice or want to be polite when they add you, make them "Restricted" friends and only ever post things as as viewable to "Friends" as those on the "Restricted" list will only ever be able see any statuses posted as "Public". There's a tip from me to you.


5. Those who just seek attention constantly

Kidderminster Shuttle:

Just let them go. There's only so many times you can tell them they're pretty.


6. The joint Facebook accounts

Kidderminster Shuttle:

You were two people once. You're still two people. 


7. The people who constantly send you app requests

Kidderminster Shuttle:

These people have a choice whether to send you app and game requests or not and they choose to send them. They are the worst kind of people. Unfriend them now.


8. People who post nothing but "inspirational" memes

Kidderminster Shuttle:

They're not inspirational - they're just annoying.


9. That one guy you went on a really boring date with once

Kidderminster Shuttle:

You went on one, two, maybe three dates with this one guy (or girl), but there was no spark with them. So you never spoke to them again. But, for whatever reason, they've always remained on your Facebook. Just get rid. (This is the one I got rid of today - just FYI).