THE summer term has been even busier than usual for the science department as both teachers and students have been preparing for the changes taking place in September.

Year nine students have recently started their GCSE course in preparation for their return to year 10, to include modules such as chemical reactions, the active body and using forces.

After a visit to Alton Towers to study quantum physics (oh, is that what it's called?) year 12 students have started their A2 courses which will continue after they receive their AS Level results in August.

As for the teachers, they too have been busy. Mr Bostock has recently begun to teach Real Science (the meaning behind science or scientific concepts to you or me!) whilst Mr Toyne is preparing to teach forensic science next term.

Forensic science, as those of us who are avid TV addicts know, is the application of scientific knowledge to questions of criminal law - "A bit like the TV programme CSI" as Mr. Rouse puts it.

The department is also having a major make-over as teachers prepare the new rooms for use in September when we are joined by years seven and eight for the first time.

Mr Rouse welcomes the younger students with open arms.

"It will be brilliant to have the new, younger students here," he enthused.

"There's nothing like catching em young and really encouraging their interest in science. At their age, we can do really fun things."