
Reading the Shuttle articles concerning the 68-year-old lady receiving a caution for inadvertently flytipping and the Wyre Forest becoming the largest native woodland in England, I have to voice my concern.

Out for a walk in the Wyre Forest last week and my first view was a plastic bag hanging from a gate, my pet hate, excuse the pun.

Another dog owner proudly displaying their pets excretion. I would love to know why anyone who practices this disgusting and environmentally harmful gesture, finds it necessary.

Who do they think will be impressed ? And what do they think will happen to it, disposed of by the Dog poo fairy ? Anyone responsible should receive the same fine or sentence as those flytipping, in my opinion it’s more unlawful than leaving a carrier bag of clothes by the recycling.

Not something you want to see in the otherwise beautiful Wyre Forest, take it home or dispose of it properly. 

Name supplied