The early years sector is in “dire straits” after a Worcestershire nursery announced its closure, says a fellow nursery owner.

Wands Day Nursery in Droitwich will close next month following issues with recruitment.

Gemma Saddington, owner of fellow Droitwich nursery Mini Explorers, believes that a lack of funding has left the entire sector in disarray.

“In my opinion if nothing changes then the early years education of our children looks very bleak,” she said.

“Children’s early years are the most important part of their life, yet the sector never receives the funding or recognition of this and be because of this, staff are underpaid, overworked, and massively undervalued. No wonder settings are struggling to keep and recruit staff.

“We desperately need a huge shakeup in the sector. Early years needs to be taken seriously, our children deserve it and so do all the incredibly hard-working men and women who work in the sector too.”

READ MORE: 'Sadness' as popular nursery reveals reason why it is set to close for good

Ms Saddington added that the relaxing of staff to children ratio rules and rising living costs have added to the pressure on the sector.

On the closure of Wands, she added: “I am totally shocked and really saddened for the staff and families involved. It will be a massive loss to the local community.

“We already have a large waiting list but the messages over the past few days have been nonstop with parents desperately looking for places.”

Wands will close from Friday, June 10, having served the Droitwich community for 13 years.

The Facebook post announcing the closure cites

Worcestershire county councillor Tracey Onslow, cabinet member for education, acknowledged the difficulties facing nurseries both locally and further afield.

She said: “We are concerned that the private provider Wands Day Nursery in Droitwich has taken the decision to close in June.

“The recruitment and retention of staff to the sector has been very challenging and is a problem that is recognised nationally.

“We are working with the setting and other local providers to provide a short-term solution and are looking to identify long term actions to secure childcare for the community.”

READ MORE: Support pours in for nursery after 'heart-breaking' closure confirmed

Councillor Richard Morris, representing Droitwich West, added: “Wands Day Nursery has provided important and valuable support to the community in Westlands over the years and we thank them for this.

“I hope that a suitable solution can be quickly found. If any parent affected by the closure needs extra help or advice around childcare, they are advised to talk to the provider or contact the Family Information Service on 01905 827391 or visit Wands Children’s Centre, Farmers Way, Droitwich.”

Additional support can be found at