WI - Arrangements are in hand for the 90th birthday celebration lunch on April 20 at Mamble Village Hall and for an outing to Angel Gardens, Clee Hill in May.

The group meeting will take place on April 10 with Menith Wood as the host institute. There will be an Edwardian theme and members are asked to dress in costume. The institute will hold a jumble sale at Mamble Village Hall on May 3 at 2.30pm.

Richard Murgatroyd gave a talk on beekeeping. He described the make up of the hive and how its balance depends on the queen bee, who is an egg laying machine often laying 2,000 each day in June.

Can acupuncture help?' is the subject of the talk by Mrs Wendy Lee at the next meeting on Monday at Mamble Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Visitors and new members welcome.