KIDDERMINSTER residents may have been startled by a loud aircraft which flew over the town this week. 

An Osprey aircraft was spotted flying low in the skies at around 12.30pm on Wednesday afternoon (January 4).

Birchen Coppice resident Kelly Bridgwater was quick to take a snap of the "very low and very loud" military aircraft.

Kidderminster Shuttle: Osprey in the skies over KidderminsterOsprey in the skies over Kidderminster (Image: Kelly Bridgwater)

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Kelly, who was in her garden at the time, said: "It was huge. I just thought 'wow' so I got my phone out quickly to try and capture it but it was moving too fast to get a good pic.

"It was a lot lower than it looks in the photo".

According to the Boeing website: "With its rotors in vertical position, it can take off, land and hover like a helicopter."

"Once airborne, it can convert to a turboprop airplane capable of high-speed, high-altitude flight".