A REVIEW of the areas polling stations serve is being carried out by Wyre Forest District Council.

The authority is also assessing the places used for polling stations to make sure that all electors have reasonably accessible facilities.

As part of the review, the predicted growth in the population of the district has been taken into account. The Electoral Commission has also issued new guidance which reduces the number of electors it recommends for each polling station.

For the majority of the district the council is proposing no change to the current arrangements.

It is suggesting a new polling district to accommodate the Lea Castle development and is seeking views on changes to one polling place in Offmore and Comberton.

In Stourport the proposal is for a small number of electors who live in the Mitton ward to use an alternative polling station.

The review can be found on the council's website. 

The deadline for replying to the survey is 5pm on Wednesday, November 22.