A PROJECT which aims to bring beavers back to Wyre Forest is now underway.

Forestry England and Natural England are working together with experts at the Beaver Trust, to reintroduce beavers to the forest.

Some trees are being felled around Dowles Brook, near where the horse riding trails meet, north of the disused railway, to make way for a beaver enclosure.

There are plans to release two adult beavers into a fenced enclosure next Springtime.

A Forestry England spokesperson said: "Beavers are a really important species.

"They can create habitats for many other plant, insect and mammal species, and their dams can change watercourses to potentially reduce flooding.

"They were once hunted to extinction but we are now working to reintroduce them across the country.

"After successful projects in the Forest of Dean and Yorkshire, Wyre Forest has been identified as a perfect place for beavers".

People have been asked to follow all safety signage and instructions whilst tree felling is taking place.