POLICE want to find two teenagers who damaged a Kidderminster home this weekend.

The teenaged boys smashed the windows of a home in St Johns Avenue yesterday (Saturday February 24) at around 3pm.

The boys, who are believed to be aged around 14, were seen in the garden and then threw items at the windows, breaking them.

Police are appealing for the public's help to catch the boys.

PCSO Kate Easthope said: "We are investigating criminal damage to a property in St Johns Avenue, Kidderminster and are appealing to local residents for information.

"At approx 3pm today two male teenagers aged approx 14yrs were seen in the garden of the property.

"They then proceeded to throw items at the windows causing them to break.

"One of the teenagers was wearing a black tracksuit with a black hat.

"The teenagers then walked off towards Blakebrook.

"If you have information about the damage please let us know."

Anyone with information can report it using the online ‘Tell Us About’ form on the website www.westmercia.police.uk, quoting incident reference 00262_I_24022024