A 'DEAD hedge' has been created by volunteers to provide a haven for wildlife at a nature reserve.

Volunteers have been busy working on the hedge at the Burlish Meadows wildlife pond.

As well as providing a home for wildlife, the 'dead hedge' will also protect the pond banks and vegetation.

In a post on the Wyre Forest Rangers Facebook page, they said: "Our volunteers have been busy again. This time they have created a 'dead hedge' at the Burlish Meadows wildlife pond.

"It will provide a haven for wildlife to shelter and live, whilst also protecting the pond banks and vegetation.

"Over time, living plants such as honey suckles and wild roses will be added to the hedge to provide natural colours and food sources for pollinators.

"It will also make a great home for birds and other mammals."

Those who want to learn new skills and get involved projects like this can sign up to become a volunteer ranger via the Wyre Forest District Council website.