A FUNDRAISER has been launched to support a family whose home was destroyed by fire.

A caravan caught fire on Eddy Road, in the Horsefair area of Kidderminster, which spread to homes on the street last night (June 9).

Houses were evacuated and emergency services confirmed that no one was injured. A total of four homes were affected by the blaze. 

Now, Suli Binnion and Louise Rose, friends of the family whose home was gutted by the fire, have started a GoFundMe page to "help them get back on their feet".

Suli, aged 49, said: "There's nothing left. They've just got to start from scratch. It's just horrendous.

"I think the council had them in a hotel. It was just awful. They are just in total shock at the moment".

People can donate to the fundraising appeal via GoFundMe.

Kate Bailey, head of strategic growth at Wyre Forest District Council said: “We were contacted in the early hours of the morning to offer support to one family affected by the fire.

"We found them temporary accommodation and will be working with them to assess all the options available to them.

"Events like this are incredibly upsetting for all involved. If anyone else affected by the fire needs housing or welfare assistance, please get in contact with our customer services team on 01562 32928.“

As part of the appeal, Suli added: "The family have lived in Kidderminster their whole lives and last night sadly witnessed the devastating destruction of their home and all of their belongings.

"We always pull together as a community and they need our help to get them back on their feet.

"I appreciate that times are financially difficult for all of us at the moment but anything you can spare would be hugely appreciated.

"Most of Kidderminster know Joby and Gaynor on a personal level and none of us can imagine being in such a dreadful situation, so let’s show them how great we are as a community and show them our support."