ARE your hanging baskets looking sorry, your pots pathetic and your borders brimming with weeds?

If so, it’s time to have a tidy-up. Save what you can and compost what is beyond redemption, putting a bit of optimism into your outlook by buying spring-flowering bulbs and, if you want late colour, popping into the garden centre to find some.

Good ones to start with are asters, chrysanthemums and nerines.

If the grass has grown tall over the last few weeks, tip it at the first cut, reduce the height at the next a few days later, and then cut at the normal height.

You’ll be surprised how much tidier the garden looks when the lawn has been mown.

Take time to tidy up the lawn edges using edging shears.

Look over your beds and borders and if weeds have sprung up then get rid of them quickly. Seeds shed at this time of year, which means more work later on.

Keep on top of deadheading, otherwise the flowering will not continue as long as you’d like.

If you have a vegetable patch, harvest as much ripe produce as you can now, to stop the veg running to seed or becoming over-ripe.

You can blanch (immerse in boiling water) and freeze many veg including green beans and sweetcorn, so you don’t end up wasting what you pick.

Immerse the vegetables immediately into a bowl of iced water after blanching to stop them continuing to cook. When cool, lift the veg from the iced water, spread out on a kitchen towel and pat dry to remove excess moisture.

Pack loose vegetables in resealable plastic bags or other containers.

Vegetables suitable for freezing include beans, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, peas, spinach, Swiss chard and summer squash. Even tomatoes can be frozen whole and then used in sauces and soups later on.

Find time to clear vacant rows in the veg patch and refill them with autumn and winter crops as soon as you can.

If you think your bedding plants can survive, perk them up with a high potash liquid feed.

Alternatively consider installing a drip or trickle irrigation system for your containers next year, which may not be as expensive as you think, and will solve the problem of watering the garden while you’re on holiday.

Established trees and shrubs won’t generally have been damaged in your absence, but cut back perennials which are past their best to make borders look tidier.

And take time to write a list of what you are going to include and exclude in your plantings next year.

This will ensure your summer holiday doesn’t have too much effect on the overall look of your garden.