I love the party conference season (how sad is that?)What I enjoy most is the schadenfroid moments these Jamborees throw up like the manhandling of an elderly pensioner at the Labour Conference last year for daring to have a contrary opinion to the party line. (scratch a socialist and you will always find a stalinist paint-job).

This years fun started with 'Clegg-on face' whose pledge to triple the Old-Age Pension was quietly dropped when he found out it wasn't £30 a week.

Next we had the LibDems Damascene conversion to Torystyle taxcuts 'The Grand old Duke of Clegg he had 10,000 men he marched them up to the high tax rates and he marched them down again'.

All of a sudden Cleggy and his sandalshod muppets have realised that you have to be a low tax party, by inclination, to win, just as Labour learned (but not before 'the longest suicide note in history' manifesto)you have to woo the middle ground in politics (misnamed the 'Centre-Left')if you want to get elected.

Sorry Clegg your party has preached higher taxes since I was 16 and you have been 'in bed' with the Labour party on tax and spend too long to convince the electorate.

You'll be Euroscepticking next