A RUN on summer clothes during the recent heatwave has led volunteers at a Kidderminster charity shop to make a plea for more donated items.

The rails of the Red Cross outlet in Coventry Street have been left bare of clothing such as tee-shirts as customers have bought in bulk in an effort to keep cool as temperatures have soared.

Donations of clothes have halved during the hot spell.

"Usually, we're absolutely fine for donations," said Rose Davis, the shop's manager. "People are really, really generous."

She added, however, that cooler clothes had been flying off the racks as purchasers got hotter. "They're buying six and seven tee-shirts," she explained. "It's summer clothing we're desperately in need of. It's flying out."

She went on: "We're getting a lot of winter stuff and books but summer clothing is what we're in desperate need of."

Mrs Davis thought the warmer weather was also deterring people from contributing clothes. "Our normal supporters are just finding it too hot to sort through cupboards in these temperatures and we have seen such a dramatic drop in donations that it is making it very difficult for the shop in Kidderminster to raise much-needed funds for the Worcestershire area," she said.

Roger Leese, the charity's area retail manager, said: "Demand locally for British Red Cross services is at an all-time high and these shops are vital in raising funds to support the effort."

Anyone who wants to donate summer clothing to boost the shop's stock can take items in any time between 9am and 5pm each day from Monday to Saturday.

Mrs Davis urged people, however, not to leave donations outside the shop when it is closed.