LIFE is full of choices, isn’t it? What a mass of choices there are for us to make.

When shopping we have a bewildering choice for many of the simplest items on our list, then there are the bigger things – cars, houses, white goods, insurances, the list is endless and the advertisers are there to convince us that their product or service is the one to choose. Unfortunately we can find that sometimes we’ve made the wrong choice, often in the ‘big’ things and the consequences can be far reaching.

Just under 2,000 years ago a crowd in Jerusalem was given a choice by a weak Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. He gave them the opportunity to release either a notorious criminal, Barabbas or Jesus, an innocent man.

The crowd chose Barabbas and the rest is history, but that history continues to repeat itself in that in 2012 where many are still choosing to reject this same Jesus.

To accept Jesus’ offer to restore the relationship with God that sin has broken will bring our choices in line with God’s way and as such, they will be right choices.

What choice will you make about Jesus?"

RICK THOMAS Pastor Kidderminster Covenant Church