I AM writing after reading the article about Councillor Fran Orborski playing a card game on her computer while attending a council meeting, and her reply that other council members use their tablets to email from council meetings.

I think this is shameful and, at the very least, bad manners.

This is not what we want from our representatives. She said she had already made up her mind how she was going to vote. Surely if she and other councillors paid attention to what was being said, they may be persuaded to different actions. Who knows, the opportunity has passed!

It is no wonder that actions like these from official representatives lead people to be so apathetic when it comes to voting – and what a good image to give to our youth.

I would like to say to councillors, get on with the job that you are there to do, put down the toys, playtime is over, and really help us by representing us!

W DANCOCK St Davids Close Stourport