THERE is increasing concern throughout the UK about the proposed closure of up to 300 primary schools - a problem especially for rural communities, where pupils would have to travel considerable distances to find another school.

The basic problem is that there are too few children being born. When asked, young couples across Europe say they would like an average of 2.3 children. If they had them, there would be no problem.

However, in practice they only have 1.5, which means the overall population halving within two generations. The traditional working-age population will decrease by some 20 million over the next 20 years. Meanwhile, the numbers of people over 65 are predicted to increase by over 40 per cent over the next 40 years.

There will only be two working taxpayers funding the pensions of each pensioner in future compared with four workers now. The numbers simply will not add up.

Clearly politicians cannot force people to have more children, but they can help enable them to make the choices they want.

Given the common nature of the problem, MEPs have been comparing best practice across the EU and I was the official draftsman of the European Parliament Report.

This pointed out the real problems of grappling with full time employment and parenthood. It highlighted the important potential of part-time work for young parents temporarily exiting or re-entering the labour market. It described the need for more flexibility in the workplace in general to balance work and family life better. It pointed out the need for more help with childcare for parents who needed to work. It described the importance of affordable housing.

Politicians cannot find solutions to every problem. But in any country the party that best recognises what the problem is in the first place is best placed to try.

PHILIP BUSHILL-MATTEHWS, Deputy Leader - UK Conservative MEPs