I WOULD like to respond to the letter regarding parking at St Oswald’s School.

Obviously the headteacher is not to blame for the inconsiderate parents who daily flout the law and park both illegally and dangerously around the entrance to the school.

However, he clearly does little in his position to aid the problem. As he walks around the playground with his coffee in the morning, greeting families and collecting litter as we often see him, he could, in his capacity as headteacher ask the parents who continue to ignore the law and common sense to move their vehicles.

I too have contacted the police, PCSOs and the traffic wardens, none of whom have shown much interest in the problem.

Perhaps someone will take notice when a child is knocked over trying to navigate the parked cars on the crossings and double yellow lines.

Or perhaps when a fire engine or ambulance cannot gain access to the school because the entrance is clogged with parked cars, someone will think again?

NAME SUPPLIED Kidderminster