I AM writing to you with regard to the massive price increase of 100 per cent for this year, 50 per cent next year and 50 per cent for the year after for the allotments at Dunclent Avenue on Comberton and the same increase which has been imposed on all other Kidderminster allotment holders.

My argument is that the government have pushed and pushed for the last two to three years for people to be ‘eco friendly’ and have encouraged us to grow our own vegetables.

In my eyes it has been another ploy to get people involved and get them on the bandwagon before finding yet another way of ripping them off with another big tax increase.

The majority of people owning allotments are elderly or middle people with families. They involve their children as they have been encouraged to do, only for all the incentives to be taken away.

I help with an allotment run by a pensioner – she grows, I dig and plant and we share the produce.

As far as I am concerned with my cost of seeds, manures, time and very hard work put in, it would be cheaper for me to buy all my vegetables etc from a local supermarket.

We have been to a brief meeting and are awaiting another meeting to be able to discuss our opinions, which we were not to able to air at the last meeting called by the district council.

CAROLINE MATTHEWS Shaw Avenue Kidderminster (On behalf of Comberton allotment holders)