I READ with increasing incredulity and anger Paul Whittaker's recent exposé of the idiotic decision mad by some Stourport town councillors that £2,500 be frivolously wasted on purchasing ceremonial robes for councillors to wear at civic functions.

Have these councillors taken leave of their senses or are they out of touch with the realities of every day life?

The role of councillors is to service the local population and secure the well-being of the community. This clearly demands acting responsibly, not least in deciding how strained finances are spent.

Who will benefit from this asinine decision? Will the children of Stourport be better provided for, will the lot of senior citizens improve?

Will families enjoy access to new facilities, will sick or disabled local people derive any extra support, will local charities be aided?

At a different level, will the wearing of fancy dress mean that the conduct of councillors at meetings will change, that debate levels will improve materially; that prejudice and petty party politics will be replaced with careful attention to detail, mature thinking and sound judgement-making?

I note Councillor Slater's feeble attempt to justify the purchase of robes on the grounds that they will add "gravitas" to members at official functions and that "it's nice to have a little bit of dignity and pride".

Does he seriously believe that the wearing of outmoded, fancy dress outfits will really confer dignity or an air of cultured sensitivity and responsibility upon councillors?

He also seeks justification on the grounds that the robes will only cost each household in the town £2.40.

Did he or his supporters consult any householders or, indeed, any of the small group of people who voted them into the office, concerning the need for grossly over-priced robes?

I suspect that few, if any, of them will be pleased at being required, without any consultation to donate hard-earned money to allow councillors to posture and preen as they engage in pantomime behaviour which further isolates them from ordinary citizens.

I was glad to note that some councillors opposed this irresponsible nonsense (where were the four who apparently didn't vote?)

I trust they will continue to demonstrate their sense of social priority and relevance by refusing to wear these ridiculous outfits or to attend any ceremony at which it is suggested robes should be worn.

I would hope also that the people of Stourport will make their elected representatives aware of their feelings about this robe debacle when they are so many more worthy causes on which this money could be spent.

If some councillors wish to engage in pantomime behaviour then I suggest they buy their own fancy dress.


Elan Avenue
