Colin Pitt, from the education department of Cadburys, will provide the story of the firm’s growth, advertising and packaging over the years at a talk on Wednesday, November 28.

Who has not enjoyed nibbling at a bar of chocolate, drinking a cup of hot chocolate, eating a slice of chocolate cake or spooning chocolate mousse, quite apart, of course, from chocaholics.
But how many of us ever think of the story behind the abundance of this delectable commodity in all its forms – its discovery, its history, the spread of its popularity as an almost essential part of our daily lives and how it is promoted.
The talk will be held in the Village Hall, starting at 7.30 pm, and all are welcome.
Admission is £2.50 for members, £3.50 for non-members.

The talk given by Dr Mark Bowden on the part played by women in the wartime SOE (Special Operations Executive) brought home to the listeners the sheer cold-blooded courage and dedication of the women who served  
Apart from the well-known names such as Odette Sansom, about whose exploits a film was made in 1950, Dr Bowden talked of some of the other brave women who went behind the enemy lines in France, earning between them four Geroge Crosses, 24 Croix de Guerres and Legion d'Honneurs and 17 MBEs.
Particularly touching was the execution at Dachau concentration camp of four women members of the SOE  who, after severe torture, were shot in pairs as they knelt together while holding hands.

It is of interest to note that female members of the SOE were the only service women during the war who were in direct contact with the enemy.