Sonia Hooper’s Stunt Dogs entertained and enthralled more than 30 members and visitors at the April meeting.

The dogs love their work and were so obviously enjoying a bit of showing off to a live audience that they kept members and visitors enthralled.

The audience learned why they gaze oh-so-soulfully towards the camera on TV adverts and programmes (though they couldn’t possibly say).

In May, Sue White, a Worcestershire WI adviser, led the group through the business of the AGM and outlined the Resolution to be put forward at the 2013 WI National AGM in June when Jenny Allen will be the Clent delegate.

Wine and nibbles added a lighter note after all the business.

Re-elected president Toni Allison and all the committee were warmly thanked for their hard work, undertaken on behalf of the members, throughout the year.

Heather Carter is joining the committee this year, with her role in the shaping up of future activities.

Pam Gumbley was thanked for all the effort she had put into organising the monthly raffle and the money she had raised. Pam was presented with a very nice plant.

Sunfield’s head of education, Caroline Bell, spoke passionately about the role Clent-based school plays in shaping the lives of the young people who live and study there.

Members were encouraged to watch out for those days when members of the public are invited to join in activities at the school and to enjoy the beautiful grounds.

With summer making an appearance, the group will be hoping for wonderful weather on Thursday, July 18 when Clent WI host the Hagley Group Walk and Supper. Experienced walk leader Roger Trigg will be the guide.

Members are invited to bring a friend to the meeting on Thursday, June 13 for a great chance to discover the delights of preparing and eating vegetarian food. ‘Meals in minutes’ will be the topic for Liz Hughes.

Meetings start at 7.30pm at Clent Parish Hall. Contact Toni on 01562 884079 for more details.