HARTLEBURY COMMON LOCAL GROUP: John Denby spoke on the challenges of being Hartlebury Footpaths Warden. With a combination of persuasion and encouragement, John has gained the co-operation of landowners and even received some help from friends to clear many footpaths across the parish. Continuing the voluntary work started by his late wife, John’s enthusiasm for maintaining good public access has now enabled local circular walks to be published on Worcestershire County Council Website.

On October 10, Phil Rudlin will speak on dormice in the Wyre Forest at Stourport Sports Club, Kingsway (DY13 8BQ - opposite Stourport High School) at 8pm, cost £3. Everyone is most welcome. Go to hartleburycommon.org.uk or phone Dr Joy M Rooney on 01299 877275 for further information.