Members enjoyed a most informative talk by Sandy Gale entitled ‘The Great Escape-– In the footsteps of Charles II’ at the July meeting.

Sandy usually does walking tours around historical Worcester, but she entertained members to one of her ‘arm chair’ walks and was assisted by her husband who illustrated her talk with pictures.

It was enlightening to learn of how history was played out on our doorstep during the English Civil War which started in Worcester in 1642. Sandy highlighted the role played by Oliver Cromwell and Charles and how the king made his eventual escape via Friar Street.

Buildings connected with the Roundheads and Cavaliers were shown such as King Charles House in Friar Street and the area around the Commandery. Members were intrigued to learn that the area around Fort Royal had once been a deer park, and the Forest of Arden had extended to the area of Worcester which is now known as Foregate.

Another interesting fact was that Catherine Braganza, the Queen Consort to Charles II, introduced tea to Britain and made it a fashionable and widely drunk beverage.

Sandy was thanked by Liz Jinx.

Angie McArthy was thanked for organising the recent birthday outing to Stratford when members had a back stage tour of the theatre followed by an evening meal on the way home.

Angie has also organised a visit to The Worcester Porcelain Museum and final arrangements were made for this trip.

The August meeting will be the annual barbecue, which this year is being held at the home of Pat Mullard. There will be a tombola and bring and buy stall.

The September meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10 at St Cecilia’s, Hoo Brook starting at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome.