Following discussions about the future of Lickhill WI and two resignations from the committee, members reluctantly agreed with joint presidents Suzanne Owen and Marjorie Whiting that Lickhill should go into suspension for the time being as the present situation was not a viable one. 
Gratitude was expressed to Suzanne and Marjorie for their sterling work during the past three years.
Assets and property of the institute will be held by WI House until such time as it may be possible to reopen.
The ten members who attended the Annual Council Meeting in Malvern reported on a very successful day with three good speakers and a raffle prize won by Betty Nock. 
Members were sorry to learn from president Suzanne Owen of the car accident in which Heightington WI president was injured and will send her our best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Magistrate Steven Gillespie and Probation Officer Colin Johnson gave a very informative presentation of the work carried out in courts and probation offices.
Members were urged not to be unduly influenced by press and media coverage of cases which can be presented in a sensational way.
The last meeting will be held on December 13, meeting for coffee at 10am and a business meeting at 10.30am which will be followed by entertainment by the Shrinking Violets and lunch.
Members were asked to bring a wrapped Christmas gift (not exceeding £5 value) for a lucky dip distribution of presents.