WOLVERLEY WI: The ladies met on March 6. The meeting was well attended and we welcomed 2 guests.

Member Liz stepped in at short notice and gave a thoroughly enlightening talk on several of her beautiful pieces of quilting. WI ladies are so talented and such an inspiration. It may not be quilting for everyone, but each member has something only they can bring to their WI.

The next Knit and Natter and colouring is on March 13, 2pm at Beryl's house.

Rose Theatre trip is booked; Abbey-Cum-Hir trip is being organised; we will have a stall at Wolverley Carnival for tea and cake and our Fish and Chip Supper will be August 7.

The next meeting is on April 3 at 7.30pm in Wolverley Church Hall, and the speaker will be Jennie Vanderhook on Adventures in Nepal.

All are welcome to come along and join us.

For further information, see the Facebook page or speak to a member.