KNOLL School pupil Tommy Booton captained a youthful England team to gold at the ITS International Festival of Martial Arts in Fife, Scotland.

The youngster, who practises Taekwondo at Verve Martial Arts in Kidderminster, led the 10 and 11-year-old team to success in the patterns category.

The team also achieved silver in the sparring, narrowly being beaten by Team USA.

Booton gained gold in tag team sparring with his partner Ben McMillian.

Chief Instructor of Verve Martial Arts, John Swift said: “Tommy has proved that if you set your mind to it anything is possible.

“He has taken his Taekwondo activity practiced at his school to success on an international scale.

“Tommy has shown a mature and enviable focus to overcome all the challenges he has faced — his England team selection and captaincy is truly justified.”