Worcestershire have announced their vice-captain for their upcoming 2024 Vitality Blast campaign.

Adam Hose will take on the task, having finished up as the Rapids' second-highest scorer in his maiden Blast campaign last year, with 397 runs to his name leaving him trailing only Mitch Santner.

Hose comes to the role with a wealth of T20 experience across the planet, including the two most recent Big Bash Leagues.


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Head Coach Alan Richardson said: "Just looking at Adam first and foremost as a person, he has settled into the group really well, has bought into being a Worcestershire player."

“The energy he gives the group and the knowledge and experience that he has playing in and around franchises is really important."

“Tactically he has got a good head on him, he has got the respect of the players and with Jack (Haynes) moving on, there was an opportunity there."

Richardson added: "Last year, with it being Adam's first year, it would have been too early but, now looking at it, just a real good opportunity for him to test out his leadership skills and for us to benefit from having him in a leadership position.

“He looks at the game really well, has spent a lot of time playing very high standard franchise cricket with some very good players.

“He has picked up lots along the way, has some very forthright views on the T20 cricket itself and how we want to play and how we want to go about stuff.

“It felt like a real easy and obvious choice to be honest.”