YOU don’t need road signs to inform you you are in Hereford.

Immediately you pass from Wales, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire or any other place you can see the state of our roads. I ride a motorbike and for years you were focused on watching out for cars and lorries pulling out on you, keeping a eye on your speed and where you are going.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Now a Herefordshire motorcyclist also has to spend as much time checking the road for potholes.

We pay more council tax than most of the country, even London. 

Herefordshire councillors and senior council workers should stop making excuses and do the job they were put there to do, or leave and let others do the job they are paid to do.


Bishops Frome