
  • Never take summer visitors for granted

    PERHAPS one of the most pleasurable aspects of working on the district's nature reserves, despite the uncomfortably hot weather, is coming across some of the scarcer species to occur. Recent sightings include a summer visitor which has suffered significant

  • Wyre Forest

    WYRE FOREST RAMBLERS - On Sunday there will be a 4.5 mile in the Ribbesford area, starting from the Blackstone car park near Bewdley (A456) at 10am. Contact Ray on 01299 827883 for details.

  • Mamble

    MAMBLE CUM BAYTON WI - Lynn Bowen, president, thanked Ella Grinnall for hosting a coffee morning. The raffle proceeds are being donated to County Air Ambulance. Several members and friends visited David Austen Roses at Albrighton and the Cosford Aerospace

  • Kidderminster

    SOMERLEYTON WI - A week after the May meeting a tea party was held at the home of Angie McCarthy with party games to raise funds. The June meeting was the summer outing to the Dower House Garden, Morville Hall. Since 1988 Dr Katherine Swift has transformed

  • Chaddesley Corbett

    GARDENERS CLUB - Digital photography was the subject of the talk at the July 12 meeting. Jim Almond, who is the joint holder with Kew Gardens of the national Juno Iris collection, gave an presentation on how useful a digital camera can be to gardeners

  • Clows Top

    GARDENING CLUB - On May 24, speaker John Snocken from Bridgnorth gave a talk on `Florists' Flowers'. On June 28, speaker Linda Eggins from Clent gave a talk with plants on ivies in the garden. It was also the club's rose and sweet pea show. There was

  • Bewdley

    ROTARY CLUB - For the past 12 months, Alan Wood has presided over a rewarding year with a record-breaking £9,000 being raised for local, national and international good causes. Mr Wood said: "We have significantly raised the profile of our club within

  • Astley

    HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY - The society opened seven country gardens for the National Garden Scheme on June 18. The following Wednesday members visited the garden at Gladderbrook Farm, High Oak and on June 23 a big band summer ball was held in aid of the

  • Areley Kings

    WIVES - The July evening outing was to Westons Cider, Much Marcle. Members were given a tour of the Mill by a member of staff. This was followed by a ploughman's supper in The Bottle Museum Tea Rooms. The church fete is at Walshes Meadow on Saturday