A GROUP of Wyre Forest students have returned from a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Switzerland.

The group of 15 sixth formers from Baxter College and Stourport High School and VIth Form Centre spent three days in Geneva meeting representatives from seven different United Nations agencies.

That included UNICEF, the World Food Programme and the High Commission for Refugees in their offices at the city’s Palais des Nations – where thousands of global organisation staff work.

They also spent time at the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), where they were give a guided tour by Dr Mario Campanelli.

Stourport student, Elliott Vale, 18, said: “Being able to discuss critical global issues with key staff, in the place where decisions are made, was empowering and richly rewarding.”

Jasmin Smith, 17, who attends Baxter College, added: “It was an amazing experience. It has definitely made me think about being a human rights lawyer.”

The visit was organised by the ContiU Trust’s opening doors programme.

Co-ordinator, Michael Conroy- Harris, said: “One of the things our consortium is about is working together in imaginative ways to offer young people the best and relevant enrichment opportunities.

We hope to keep identifying world class opportunities for our students – as well as the activities and projects we engage with a bit closer to home.”

The students will be feed back on their experiences at the UN and CERN through newsletters, assemblies and presentations.