Wyre Forest District Council’s leader John Campion has called for multi agencies involved in managing the Lawrence Recycling fire to bring it to a conclusion.

The fire in Stourport Road began on Sunday, June 16, and authorities have decided that a “controlled burn” is the best course of action.

Mr Campion said: “The warm weather has further exacerbated the affects of the smoke on local businesses and residents.

“Local residents and businesses have been patient so far, and health agencies have been monitoring the smoke to protect public health. With the warm weather set to continue urgent action now needs to be taken to extinguish the fire and provide some relief to local businesses and residents.

“The strategy of managed burn in my view needs reviewing by the fire service.

“I pledge the district council will play its part in providing resources, either financial or professional in bringing this fire to a swift conclusion so the area can get back to normal. I call on all other agencies, fire, county council and Government agencies to do the same.”