Politics is changing! More and more people are looking for an alternative to the main parties.

People are learning about Green Party policies and they like what they hear!

There's a #GreenSurge across the country. Our membership has quadrupled in the past year to 60,000! We now have the biggest youth party in the UK!

We have a huge opportunity to reshape British politics, towards a politics that acknowledges the joint economic, social and environmental crises that we face - the interlinked reality of our failed system of run-away capitalism fuelled by the Thatcherite ideology that greed is good, profit is all that matters, and the planet’s resources are infinite.

Greens want to end austerity and reduce inequality, stop (and reverse) the privatisation of the NHS, scrap university tuition fees, renationalise the railways, provide genuinely affordable housing for all, a living wage of £10 per hour (by 2020), true democracy, electoral reform, respect for animals, real action against climate change and to stop the constant pursuit of growth, no matter what the consequences!

If you want these things too I urge you to join our peaceful political revolution and vote for what you believe in on 7th May!