Kingswinford Townswomen's Guild

The guild met on October 10 at Kingswinford Community Centre. Chairman Enid Fennell welcomed two new members.

The speaker was Alan Peace, a popular speaker with us as he is a man of many talents. His subject in this instance was John O' Groats to Land's End, a race between bus and bicycle. Which was fastest? That would be telling. The trip did raise a considerable sum for Cancer Research. He was thanked by Chris Groves.

The various sections announced their plans for the next few weeks. Scrabble will be held ay Kendall Rise for the time being, on the set dates.

The raffle prizes at this meeting were won by Wendy Eley and Pauline Bird.

Joyce Robins was thanked for her delightful flower arrangement.

At the meeting on November 14, Tanya Fellows will speak about Acorns House. Ladies are invire to join us at 7.30pm.