Protecting greenbelt is a job for all politicians
After being canvassed by the Conservatives concerning the forthcoming by-election in Habberley North. 
It’s about time these decision makers started to practice what they preach as far as the whole community is concerned, not their own little area. 
The Green Belt is a valuable resource for all of the citizens of the Wyre Forest, not simply those who live adjacent to it. 
Time to wake up before Wyre Forest, just becomes another suburb of Greater Birmingham.
Robin Pearson.

Residents’ view not represented
We totally agree with the comments of WEJ Foxall, it is a disgrace that the Wyre Forest District Council’s Local Plan was supported particularly by all of the Spennells elected Councillors, and when voting the four abstentions should not have be allowed. 
Irrespective of political allegiance, councillors are elected to represent the views of Kidderminster residents and to vote for a plan, or abstain,  which allows building on Green Belt land when Brown sites are readily available, does not represent the majority of residents wishes. 
This will be remembered at election time. In the meantime, Spennell residents in particular, should note that a Residents for the Green Belt group has been set up, and should be encouraged to join. 
Local people should have a major say in determining development proposals that considerably affect them and their surrounding area , and government should be encouraged to introduce radical change.
Thank you for publishing WEJ Foxall’s letter, and we look forward to receiving your excellent publication each week.
P and JS Betts

Time for Boris to go
You could not have made this up when you have a Prime minister changing the ministerial code to save his own skin so that he will not have to resign. 
This country is held together by the rules of law yet this Prime Minister appears to think that no laws apply to him even when he has made them and broke them.
He has lost the trust of the British people because no one can believe a word he says anymore.
The damage he has done to our country here and around the world is beyond words. 
We need a Prime Minister who we can  trust and who will put this country first and not idiots coming out to defend the indefensible!
This Prime minister is a liar and must go!