THE Back on Track appeal has been boosted by a £2,000 donation from the national governing body of athletics.

The grant from England Athletics will be spent immediately as Kidderminster and Stourport Athletic Club desperately needs equipment to prepare for the start of the track season.

Sue Saunders, athletics club secretary, said: "It is very urgent that we start replacing equipment now. We are coming out of the cross-county season and starting to focus on track events. The equipment is key to this."

She said the club had ordered hammers, discus, shots and javelins, as well as a lap counter, loud hailer, finishing posts and four sets of starter blocks.

She explained: "Being able to replace this equipment is a massive boost to the club. Some of the youngsters are already asking when they will be able to have a throwing session."

She added: "If we didn't have these items then the athletes would suffer enormously. Also, our track coaches could give up, without the chance to on pass on their experience."

Mrs Saunders said the club could now hold its meetings, including a warm-up on April 13 and the Worcestershire county track and field championships on May 10.

She added: "At the beginning of the year, we didn't think we would be able to hold these meetings but, with the help of the Shuttle/Times & News appeal, that has changed. We are really looking forward to it."

Paul Bearman, West Midlands regional manager of England Athletics, said: "As soon as we heard of the plight of the club after the fire I contacted Sue Saunders.

"We immediately offered to help replace their lost equipment to get them up and running - and jumping and throwing for that matter - as soon as possible."

He added: "As a club that attained the coveted Clubmark accreditation last year, the club is important.

"It provides a safe environment for young people to learn their skills and, with the support of the coaches, tries to help the athletes achieve their potential and meet their aspirations."

He explained that if a sporting facility became unavailable for any reason then people started to look elsewhere for their training.

Mr Bearman said: "Hopefully, by acting swiftly, we have helped to at least give the club the basic equipment to retain their members and provide the continuity that is necessary to keep athletes properly trained and enjoying their athletics."

He added: "With the 2012 Olympics looming, every club needs to have the right facilities and support structure to provide local delivery of athletics.

"As a nation, we have greater time pressures than ever before and by providing facilities on the doorstep, then less time is spent travelling and more time spent on productive activities for all the volunteers associated with the club and the athletes."