SCHOOLS across Wyre Forest marked the BBC’s annual Children in Need Appeal with activities and dressing up to raise awareness and hundreds of pounds.

Pupils at Wilden All Saints CE Primary School gathered in the church for a surprise visit from Pudsey Bear himself.

They also raised about £150 by covering a life-size cut-out of the bear mascot with coppers and Reception children made a Pudsey from leaves in Forest School.

Students at Stourport High School ran a cake sale for the appeal, youngsters at Hartlebury CE Primary dressed in spots in exchange for a coin donation used to create a Pudsey Bear picture, raising more than £100.

Stourport Primary Academy pupils made a donation for wearing odd socks – combining anti-bullying messages with Children in Need.

A non-uniform and dress up day at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School raised awareness and at Wolverley Sebright Primary Academy the School Council helped organise a host of activities to mark the day, last Friday.